Creating Cultural Champions – Predictive Success Offsite 2019

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

4.7 min read

Creating Cultural Champions – Predictive Success Offsite 2019

Creating Cultural Champions

At Predictive Success, we often discuss the power of the Cultural Championship. Built on engaged and high-performing employees, the cultural championship is how elite companies create growth.

As an internationally dispersed company, with Managing Principals across Canada and the United States, we don’t often get time to come together as a company to talk about how we can better serve our clients, continue to develop the world of Talent Optimization, share ideas, and celebrate our successes.

Once a year we host our annual offsite, bringing the whole company under one roof for three days. These days are a mixture of relaxation and development, as well as a time for us to bounce ideas off each other for the year ahead. This year we had some truly amazing presentations, successes, and accomplishments.

This year, we kicked off our offsite with a casino -themed dinner and awards night. Note the stellar blazer we found for our President, Dave Lahey.

Rob Friday, Top Growth Leader, Catalyst Award Winner

Each year we award one Managing Principal the title of, “Catalyst Award Winner.” This trophy is awarded to the person who has seen the top growth in their practice through the last year. This award is particularly special to our team, as it is given to the person who has spread the Talent Optimization movement to the most companies, helping to optimize workforces all over the world.

This year, Rob Friday was the Catalyst Award Winner, working with some of the fastest-growing Toronto-based companies to optimize their workforce.

Left to Right: Research Lead Hannah Harrison, Managing Principal Rob Friday, and President Dave Lahey.

The Infamous Belt

As a kid, one of the coolest toys you could have was a championship wrestling belt. Wearing it on your shoulder, you truly felt like The Rock.

At Predictive Success, we have our own version, which is given to the Managing Principal with who has brought the most new businesses into the Talent Optimization movement. This year, the belt went to Doug McCann, who promptly struck a pose akin to The Rock.

Doug with the belt on his shoulder.

The Original Team

Way back when Predictive Success was only an infant in the corporate world, the team consisted of three people. Our Founder and President, Dave Lahey, the backbone of our operation, Julie Cane, and our very first Managing Principal, Dave Osborne. This year, Dave set a milestone record, training and consulting over 500 business leaders in the future of analytics and the workforce.

A Porsche-fanatic, Dave Lahey surprised Dave Osborne with an authentic Porsche Track Jacket to wear while he flies around the track.

Dave Osborne, one of the three original Predictive Success team members.

The Original PI

Way before the Predictive Index software, there was a Predictive Index paper assessment. One of the Original Predictive Index partners, John Watson led the John Watson Group, spreading the early beginnings of Talent Optimization to businesses across Canada. We were extremely fortunate to have Mr. Watson share some insight with us on the world of behavioural assessments. We were also super excited to be given one of the original PI paper assessments, which we now proudly display in our office.

From left to right, Dave Lahey, Predictive Index Partner Success Manager, Meggan Flaherty, and John Watson.

Good Food and Good Friends

We don’t often get time to connect, but when we do, the conversations flow. Over a fantastic meal, our entire team shared stories, insights, and ideas. Some of our best plans for the year to come were brainstormed here!

Ambassador Rich Huisman, Client Success Specialist Jennifer Lahey, and Managing Principals Stephen Flower and Karen Beam.

Toasting the year passed, and the year to come!

Our Youngest Team Members Write a Book

With Millenials and Generation Z as the future of the workforce, two of our youngest team members, Thomas MacIntosh and Matthias Jang, 19 and 20 respectively, researched and wrote a book. “The Journey to Cultural Championship: Creating a passionate, driven and high performing team,” focuses on the future of the workforce with Millenials and Generation Z in it, how managers can use their strengths to grow the business, and provide roadmaps to create Cultural Champions. The book includes a wealth of current research that, combined with the pairs’ Gen-Z outlook, provides managers a unique look into today’s talent market. The book was published in July 2019 and will be available for purchase in August 2019.

Playing Sales Roulette

Has your sales team ever played presentation roulette? Essentially, you pick an item to sell, and then have to match your sales pitch to the random-picture presentation that scrolls through every 15 seconds! Great team-building and quick-thinking exercise! We had lots of laughs while our sales team flexed their brains!

The Road Ahead

We are extremely excited to see what is in store for Talent Optimization in the year to come! Want to see how your team can leverage our expertise to grow? Contact Thomas MacIntosh at to connect with a consultant.



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