Innovative Leadership: The Cure to the Loneliness Epidemic

By Admin  |  

1.2 min read

Despite an increase in team-based projects and connectivity through technology, the modern workplace is experiencing a puzzling trend. Now more than ever, employees and CEOs are experiencing a sense of loneliness. The source of this loneliness stems from a variety of sources; however, the common denominator is unfulfilling work relationships. This sense of loneliness impacts employees beyond engagement; ultimately, it affects their overall health.

According to the Harvard Business Review, “companies have the power to address the loneliness epidemic quickly”.  Leaders are often shocked that many business norms fuel this loneliness epidemic. Despite an appearance of a connected workforce, many organizations operate with surface-level interactions. It is important for leaders to start innovating ways to improve their workplace with the goal of inclusivity in mind.

How can I Strengthen Relationships within my Organization?

The first step to solving this problem within your workforce is understanding where the underlying problems reside. Tools such as the Engagement Index™ can be customized and used to gain employee feedback and diagnose points of improvement. Once engagement and understanding is gauged, you can create a strategy unique to your organization that will build connections. With social connections at the heart of your priorities, your organization will be able to build inclusivity and learn more about each individual employee.

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