New Book from David Lahey, “From Hire to Inspire: How to become the best boss,” Pre-Published by ECW Press

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

1.8 min read

New Book from David Lahey, “From Hire to Inspire: How to become the best boss,” Pre-Published by ECW Press

From Hire to Inspire

The first copies of “From Hire to Inspire: How to become the best boss,” from bestselling author and President of Predictive Success, David Lahey, have been pre-published and printed by ECW press.

The book, which will be released March 10, 2020, is a roadmap for managers to attract, mentor, manage, and inspire an elite workforce. With case studies, stories, frameworks, and actionable strategies, “From Hire to Inspire,” culminates David’s more than 25 years of experience in management and talent consulting.

As the President of Predictive Success, David works with over 600 companies across the world, developing their talent, company culture, and c-suite managers.

From Hire to Inspire is available for pre-purchase at, here.

A blueprint for becoming the best boss you can be

North Americans work 90,000 hours in their lifetime. Wouldn’t they enjoy working in a job they love, with a boss who energizes them? David Lahey’s From Hire to Inspire can help make that happen. With advice for all types of companies, From Hire to Inspire is a road map to becoming a better boss ― maybe even the best boss ― and to helping your employees achieve their potential.

Using a new set of behavioral science analytics, Lahey shows you how to determine what types of work different people will find fulfilling. When leaders use these principles to put the right people in the right positions at the right time, employees spend less energy adapting, their engagement levels improve, and they are less absent at work, which results in an increase in productivity and lower accident levels.

Set your employees up for success in both work and life by learning how to adapt to a changing workplace, the science of decision making, how to coax the most from a millennial workforce, the influence social media has on a culture, how to maintain a respectful environment where leaders can flourish, and more.

When your staff excels and grows, your company grows too.

To contact Predictive Success, contact Hannah Harrison at or call (905) 430 – 9788, x 107.

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