Predictive Success Makes Donation to Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation on Behalf of Clients

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

0.9 min read

Predictive Success Makes Donation to Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation on Behalf of Clients

Supporting our community, our country, and our world.

The season of giving is once again upon us, and Predictive Success believes that extends to companies as well.

From our annual turkey donations to our time at local shelters, we believe it’s important to donate our time to our community and beyond.

This year, on behalf of our clients worldwide, Predictive Success donated $2000 to a cause that affects families worldwide. The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation is one of the top five cancer research foundations in the world, and a leader in pursuing the research that saves lives every day.

The foundation is also the driving force behind cancer research fundraising in the most Canadian of ways, through Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer.

Predictive Success hopes our donation will assist in reaching the foundation’s goal of conquering cancer in our lifetime.

For more information on The Princess Margaret Foundation, and to donate, visit


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