Ronald McDonald Houses: Bringing Families Together with McHappy Day Appreciation Night

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1.3 min read

Ronald McDonald Houses: Bringing Families Together with McHappy Day Appreciation Night

Ronald McDonald Houses provide families of sick children with a home and a place to rest while their children undergo their treatments at a nearby hospital. They create a space for families to rest and recharge so that everyone can stay together, and the kids can heal better.

Annual fundraisers like McHappy Day, are the reasons why the Ronald McDonald Houses are able to bring families closer than ever with their 15 Ronald McDonalds Houses, Care Mobiles, and Family Rooms. This year, Predictive Success wanted to support our friends over at Finlayson Hospitality Partners while beating our fundraising goal from the year before.

Predictive Success Team’s fundraising bar set high

The Predictive Success fundraising team, led by Jennifer Lahey worked hard to support this amazing cause and set the bar high at a $6,000 fundraising goal, compared to the $4,650 that was raised the year before, setting the standards even higher for future years to come. In the end, the event generated $164,000 that will be going directly to the charity.

Thank you to all our friends, families, and clients for supporting us and getting us to where we are. We could not have done this without you and Jennifer’s amazing leadership

Congratulations to the Finlayson Hospitality Partners of the York Region for another successful year. We hope that our donation will make an impact on everyone that walks through those doors. Please continue supporting this amazing charity by donating here.




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