Artificial Intelligence is Redefining the Recruitment Process

By Admin  |  

1.9 min read

Artificial Intelligence is Redefining the Recruitment Process

Finding the ideal candidate for a job posting can be a difficult task; however, artificial intelligence (AI) enabled programs are creating ease within this process. Often, the speed at which an organization fills open positions has a direct impact on productivity and the organization’s bottom line. In addition, traditional recruitment efforts can leave untraditional, yet relevant, candidates with great skills or leadership capabilities at the wayside. As a result, leveraging the capabilities of AI enabled programs is integral to the development of recruitment.


Finding the Perfect Fit

Predictive Success

By creating an image of their ideal candidate, forward-thinking hiring managers are using AI to predict employee performance. By understanding the key performance indicators (KPIs) that an ideal candidate would possess, as well as identifying areas where their current team is lacking, hiring managers are able to use programs like the Predictive Index ® to gauge the predictive success of their candidates. For the organizations who have found that their KPIs are not resulting in the most effective candidates, the Crescendo update has enabled Predictive Index® users to use pre-set hiring benchmarks for a variety of roles. For example, if an organization is hiring a graphic designer, the Predictive Index® software is able to use machine learning to match your job description with job patterns in our database for that same role.


With Crescendo, the AI component of the Predictive Index® has made the recruitment process even more efficient by comparing and subsequently ranking successful job patterns. With its colour coding system, the new Predictive Index® software intuitively ranks candidates from the best fit to the poorest fit. The forward-looking software also ensures that hiring managers are able to have a strong bench strength during this hiring process by using its candidate pipeline health measurements. As a result, recruitment teams are able to hire candidates that they will be able to leverage down the road during succession planning.

The New Predictive Index®

For more information on how you can find the perfect candidate with the new Predictive Index®, visit, and watch this interactive video outlining the software’s newest capabilities.



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