The Role of a Consultant in 2020

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

2.6 min read


e seem to be living in a world of consultants where everyone on LinkedIn is an expert consultant ready to help you.

There is a reason that the title of consultant has become a hot commodity, and it’s because consultants are what businesses need right now. In a time of constant innovation having an outside opinion can zap life into an organization.

Whether it’s for operations, strategy, management, or recruitment, consultants lend their experience and insight to help see the roadblocks that can be hard to see from the driver’s seat. Take recruiting, a consultant can come in and see the pattern between your last 5 bad hires and help you avoid those mistakes in the future. When it comes to recruiting there is substantial money to be saved by avoiding bad hires, and that’s where the consultant comes in.

The 2020 consultant should wear many hats for you and use their expertise to get the most out of your company, so we’ve put together the three most important roles for the modern consultant.


The optimizer helps you take your existing day-to-day to its highest potential. The optimizer can spot the gaps and will help you put in action solutions that work to connect where you are to where you could be. In every facet of consulting your optimizer will be looking for areas of improvement, whether they be large or small, to help your organization improve.


The consultant has what employees don’t, an outsider perspective. While it’s easy to get into the internal mindset, the 2020 consultant can provide a valuable external point of view that can see problems and solutions that might be too close for employees to recognize. The visionary casts their sight to catch those up-close and far ahead problems that could catch a near or far-sighted organization in the lurch.


The galvanizer is the consultant who lights the fire under an organization that’s operating at business as usual. Not only does the galvanizer provide fresh motivation through new solutions, but the galvanizer is also taking on some of the load to help set your organization on a new path. Don’t forget, you’re not only hiring your consultant for their advice, but you’re also hiring someone who is putting in the work to fill your gaps. Taking on larger problems can be difficult for the organization already stretched to the max, but a consultant can come in and take on those problems, find solutions, and do it all without taking time away from the necessary day to day. Through finding these solutions the Galvanizer kick-starts your company that had been previously bogged down by an overwhelming problem.

Sometimes it just takes another set of eyes, insight, and a helping hand to overcome the business problems that once seemed daunting and set your company up for success in this new decade.

Are your current issues a people problem? We’ve got the people solutions! Click here to check out our team of optimizing, visionary, and galvanizing consultants here at Predictive Success.

Written by Megan Birell

Customer Experience Specialist

Predictive Success Corporation

(905) 430-9788 x 102

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